Death Note The Musical 2024. The musical is a musical based on the japanese manga series of the same name by tsugumi ohba and takeshi obata. After successful productions in japan and korea, death note the.
A london concept album of death note the musical, which recently played london’s palladium and subsequently lyric theatre, will be released by ghostlight. Read our review of the european.
The Musical Is At London Palladium From 21St Until 22Nd August 2023, And Transfers To The Lyric Theatre From 7Th September Until.
The death note cast for the second series of west end performances has been revealed.
The Musical Is Based On The Manga ‘Death Note’ Written By Tsugumi Ohba And Illustrated By Takeshi Obata.
Read our review of the european.
Ghostlight Records Will Release The London Concept Album Of Death Note, The.
Images References :
Following Acclaimed Productions In Japan And Korea Death Note:
Following acclaimed productions in japan and korea death note:
A Strange But Brilliant Show.
Following productions in japan (2015) and korea (2022), death note:
The Musical Is Based On The Japanese Manga Series Death Note By Tsugumi Ohba And Takeshi Obata.